We are a community of communities, working together for a stronger Macleay Valley.

Community led and driven, we are inspired by the desire that people across the Macleay Valley have to make impact. We are energised by the Macleay Valley way - rallying behind a cause, lending support, and affecting change in our communities.

MVCF provides you with a simple way to make cost-effective investments for significant impact, right here in the Macleay Valley. This is an exciting opportunity for Macleay Valley communities. It gives you the ability to make a tax deductible donation today that will provide support to the Macleay Valley. We encourage you to invest locally in your community.

Giving with MVCF is a powerful tool for collaboration available to individuals, families, foundations, corporates, government and non-profits. We raise money through donations, sponsorship and fundraising. Funds raised by Macleay Valley communities stay in Macleay Valley communities.

Dhanang marrungga barriya dhitiyndha.
You all be well on this country.

Jesse Poole
MVCF Lead & Fund Advisor

  • We assist in facilitating conversations for community-driven solutions to local concerns.

    Across four streams
    - Civic,
    - Country,
    - Coastal, and
    - Aboriginal communities,
    we are establishing core backbone group in Macleay Valley communities and townships to collaborate, discuss and identify local issues, who then fundraise and work for solutions in alignment together.

    The Macleay Valley Community Foundation has two funds established as sub-funds of the Australian Communities Foundation:

    1) our MVCF Impact fund, for tax-deductible donations; and,
    2) our MVCF Grassroots fund, for non-tax deductible donations.

    Raising money through donations, sponsorship and fundraising, we are working towards establishing a sustainable corpus of funds to make significant grant-making opportunities to affect change in the Macleay Valley.

    Find out more about Australian Communities Foundation

  • For tax-deductible donations to the Macleay Valley Community Foundation (Impact) you can donate here or make a donation using the details below

    Australian Communities Foundation
    BSB: 083-004
    Account: 78-126-4534
    Reference: 24305
    (National Australia Bank)

    Donations to the MVCF Impact Fund is a way for you to give charitably, and provides capacity for us to make a tax-deductible fiinancial contribution to organisations that maintain DGR1 status.

  • For non-tax-deductible donations to the Macleay Valley Community Foundation (Grassroots) you can donate here or make a donation using the details below

    Australian Communities Foundation
    BSB: 083-004
    Account: 78-139-0004
    Reference: 34050
    (National Australia Bank)

    Donations to the MVCF Grassroots Fund is a way for you to offer support, and provides capacity for us to make financial contribution to individuals and organisations that do not hold DGR1 status.

  • The Macleay Valley 100 Club are our core group of financial supporters who have committed to investing for impact the Macleay Valley by donating at least $100 per annum to either the MVCF Impact or Grassroots Funds, in working together to build a sustainable corpus of funds for the work of the Macleay Valley Community Foundation.

    We need your help to affect change. Join the Macleay Valley 100 Club today. We meet once a month for an informal networking opportunity at a local restaurant, and to share news about the impact your contribution is making.

  • If you are interested in supporting the Macleay Valley Community Foundation through your time and talents, we would love to hear from you.

  • Do you have a hope to create change in your community, named in honour of your loved one or for a specific project?

    We can assist you in establishing a funding focus for your named or intentional fund; criteria and guidelines; key dates; application forms; assessment; and formal correspondence with applicants and recipients resulting in the giving of a grant for social benefit in the Macleay Valley. Get in touch with us today, we’d love to hear your hopes and vision.

  • Our current projects include:

    • Supporting the work of the #Hope4Kempsey initative in sewing, cultivating and inspiring hope in Kempsey

    • Supporting the work of collective impact for systems change in Kempsey through deep relationship with the Learning the Macleay and Ready Communities initiatives

    • Supporting the establishment of a community of practice for those caring for people living with dementia

    • The provision for establishing named or intentional funds to make grassroots grants to support local individuals and not-for-profits that affect change in our Valley that align with your hopes and values

    • Engaging with the community in preparation for the Social Impact in Regions Conference being held here on the Macleay in 4-6 September 2024

    • Facilitating opportunities for capacity-building for leaders within Macleay Valley communities through the provision of training events

    • Establishing and facilitating cross-sector reference tables in seeking collaboration for systems change

  • Do you have a project in mind? We would love to meet with you to find ways we can harness our network to support your organisation to raise funds through tax-deductible and non-tax-deductible giving to affect change for your community.

    We can assist you to harness charitable giving for your organisation’s intention.

  • We love seeing the passion of our young people when they rally behind causes that are important to them.

    The Macleay Valley Community Foundation have a number of different named and intentonal funds that are dedicated to providing impact for young people.

    Holding a free-dress or colour themed day at your school, and asking for a gold coin donation towards our Grassroots fund is a great way that you can support our work.

    If you would like a mvcf delegate to attend your school to talk about the work and impact of the Macleay Valley Community Foundation, or to facilitate workshops in building capacity in young people or your staff team, please be in touch.

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